05 October 2007

don't give up the day job... (05.10.07)

There are some days that you think may never come, they seem so distant, so nebulous, so fantastical. When you're young, it's the day that you finish school. Then it might be the day that you graduate. The day someone proposes to you. The day you become 'Mrs' someone. The day you turn 30. The day you find out you're going to be a parent. The day you *actually* become a parent. These are all huge milestones in life, and imagining them happening to you - rather than someone else - is a bit weird. Although (chances are) at some point, they will.

I've passed some of these monumental days, and some I'm still waiting on. And the more I pass, the mystique of the ones yet to come doesn't diminish at all. They still seem distant, nebulous, fantastical. In fact, so do the ones I've passed - all a bit of a blur! A wonderful blur, but a blur nonetheless. Sometimes I wish I could have them over - not to do anything differently, just to experience it all again; the heady mix of emotions you get from passing into a different stage of your life.

For an actress (or, really, anyone working in a career where you're self-employed) there's an extra one in there amongst all the personal ones - there's the day you quit your day job. I'm not sure how you measure this one - is it the day you find out you've got the part, and you realise you can now actually make a living out of your passion? The day you hand in your notice at your day job? Or is the first day you wake up and you don't have to go to a job that you do 'just to pay the bills'? On Tuesday this week, I found out that I have been offered the role of BBC Announcer on BBC Four, which means that I can now - finally! - make a living out of being an actress and voiceover artist. On Wednesday, I formally handed in my notice at my day job. On Wednesday week, (17 October), I start at the Beeb. And on Saturday, 22 October, I go on air.

It's all very unreal. I hoped, one day, I'd be able to give up the PA-ing. And, don't get me wrong, I know how fickle the acting/VO thing can be - I have every expectation that I'll be back there PA-ing again at some point in the future. But for now I'm a full time actress and voiceover artist. And, you know what...




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratchamalations, honey - it couldn't have happened to a lovelier (or more outrageously attractive) person. Wring every drop of enjoyment from it, on behalf of all of us who always knew this day would come. Are you gonna be live, or on pre-record?

2:11 PM  

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