03 September 2007

Do you have a stick of gum and some duct tape? (03.09.07)

I love wikipedia. I like finding things out. Although I can't say that I'm a real purist - while I love knowledge for knowledge's sake, I love more being able to astound people with my lexicon of useless facts.
Like, I recently found out how to spell Utsire of the North Utsire / South Utsire fame on the shipping forecast. Although, as this is a written blog, not a podcast, if I tell you now that it's U-T-S-I-R-E, it's unlikely to come as any great surprise. Note to self, do more podcasts. I also found out some fascinating things about our local history, being - as we pretend to be - residents of Dulwich, namely:

* that Thomas Calton (for whom a local school and a number of roads are named) is a goldsmith to whom Henry VIII sold Dulwich (yes, all of it) for the princely sum of £609
* that Alleyn's is named for Edward Alleyn, the Elizabethan actor (who also founded Dulwich College of God's Gift - now just plain old Dulwich College - after finding God)
* that famous people connected with Dulwich include Enid Blyton and Sue Perkins (both born there) and Bon Scott, of AC/DC fame, who fell unconscious at 67 Overhill Rd, and died later at KCH (the hospital, not the hall).

But today, I think I found my favourite page on wikipedia ever. If you don't have many hours to waste, an inate geekiness and a penchant for big hair and leather jackets, then don't click on this link.



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