12 October 2006

'Nanas (12.10.06)

More often than not in this world, it would seem that things fall neatly into piles of right or wrong, and generally what goes where is fairly simple to discern. It is wrong, for example, to stab someone in the eye. It is right to offer others the last almond slice before pouncing on it. It is wrong to wear leggings unless you're Kate Moss OR you have something flowing and diaphanous (or a denim skirt) covering your hips. It is right not to sell your little brother into slavery. And so forth. But today, I came across something that I'd never known was wrong, and yet, when I spent some time thinking about it, it became so obviously an abomination that I had to avert my eyes.

Today, a young woman got on the bus and sat in front of me (one of those seats that are rotated 90 degrees to all the others, so I had no choice but to see what she was doing) retrieved a banana from her bag, and proceeded to eat it. All well and good you might think. But she held the banana by the end that connects it to the bunch, and broke off the other end and ate it from the bottom up. At first I thought it curious - it even made me question years of banana eating. Have I been peeling bananas the wrong way for, well, all my life? But then I thought NO! (just like that) - all pictures of peeled bananas in the popular consciousness peel from the stem end, not from the bottom. And then I tried to think of a picture of a peeled banana in the popular consciousness. I failed. A quick image search on Google, however, led me to the images that you see herein. All peeled from the stem end.

I would have rested my case here, but curiosity got the better of me, and I Googled peeling bananas. It would seem that the topic has sparked a number of blog entries - even articles - over the years, but this was my favourite - a blog entry from a chap who has kindly illustrated with photos a better way to peel bananas. Who knew it was such a hot topic...?

I still feel strangely out of sorts, though, like my whole world has been shaken up like a child's snow-dome. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get over it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You missed a trick here. What is absolutely wrong is eating a banana in public at all. I can think of nothing more pornographic. Avert your eyes indeed.

8:55 PM  

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