18 August 2006

Old fashioned news... (18.08.06)

Brilliant. I was on the bus in this morning (the 12, for those of devils among you who live in the details) and a group of young lads got on the bus in Peckham, probably aged about 14. After much jostling and hilarity, they eventually squeezed all five of them along the four seats at the back of the bus, and proceeded to have a conversation that had me stowing my book with amusement - they were providing far more entertainment than a paperback ever could. Of everything they said, there were 2 things that stuck in my mind for inclusion in these pages:

The first was, and I quote "Yo mama's so short she tried to commit suicide by throwing herself off the kerb!"


But the piece de resistance, uttered by the young man sitting directly behind me next to the window was "Oh, blood, look, it's one of dem old fashioned newpapers innit, dem ones in black an wight, dat dat old geeza in da taxi is reedin'..."

I have to admit to gawping out the window as much as any of his 'bloods' - whereupon I saw a smartly dressed 30 something in the back of a black cab, perusing today's edition of the FT.

It's official. I am no longer "down wit da kids".


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