I find myself on the horns of a dilemma. I know, something new and different for me. Hey ho. So - here's the question - is it better to be noticed for being different, or not to be different?
Perhaps I should elaborate...

For the vast majority of my adult and late teen life, I have had short hair. Varying degrees of spikiness, granted, but short nonetheless. Said short hairedness is best illustrated in the picture you see here - althought that was taken a good four years ago, a mere week after I started drama school. But you get the idea.
Since then, my hair has varied in length, style and colour. You name the hairstyle, I've probably had it. All bar long, flowing locks, that is. I recently took the decision to grow my hair, as I thought it would make me 'more castable'. After all, who wants to shell out for a wig if they don't have to? With longer hair, I can play someone from pretty much any era, and as it's infinitely more stylable, of pretty much any type. All well and good, you may think.
But here's my problem. I'm not stunningly beautiful. Yeah, OK, I'll admit I'm probably not what you'd call ugly, but I'm not drop dead gorgeous either. And that's the thing.

I'm fairly average looking. Which is fine - and often better for an actor. But, by definition, that means that I'm not a lot better, or a lot worse, looking than most other people. Consequently, if you were flicking through Spotlight, chances are that if you did notice me, you'd have forgotten me again once you'd looked over another 20 images. Possibly even another two. Just another average looking actress with mid-length, nothingy hair.
However, if I had short spiky hair, I'm going to stand out a bit, just by virtue of being different. If you're flicking through Spotlight, and the other 3 actresses on that spread have mid length hair, you'll probably be more likely to remember me for looking a bit different.
But will having short hair typecast me? Or limit the parts and the plays for which I'm seen? Hmmm. So you see my problem...
photos: short hair copyright lisa bowerman, 2002, blonde hair copyright claire grogan, 2003